What is different between "fair-use" and "FLAT" "CDR"

  1. Fair-use:
    Fair use means the bandwidth with your instances/servers its shared with the other, so if Broadband is occupied for a long time from you, your usage may effect the other users.
  2. FLAT:
    FLAT is mean you own the network link / bandwidth you have purchase. you can occupied your link all the time without thinking the other people.
  3. CDR:
    This article may help you: https://www.safehosts.co.uk/2020/07/01/whats-a-committed-data-rate-and-other-colo-jargon-busted/
  • BGP, IP Transit, CDR, FLAT, fair-use
  • 12 Bu dökümanı faydalı bulan kullanıcılar:
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